Monday, July 6, 2009

Back on track

The scan today showed a leading follie of 19 mm. On the RIGHT side. It seems my right ovary looked at my left, saw it wasn't cooperating, let out a big sigh and thought: "Well, if you don't, I will!"

Ex-leading follie on the left is now at 17 mm so it, too, is still growing. Imagine that: double ovulation in a NATURAL cycle? If we'd not have chosen to go ahead with the FET, we might have ended up with twins (again) this month (if we weren't so, well, infertile)! Weird... It almost seems like I'd be messing with nature if we decide to only transfer one... Is the universe trying to tell me something?

Next scan on Wednesday, transfer (please, let there be anything left to transfer) Friday or Saturday.


  1. Yeah for follie growth! Fingers crossed that Wednesday brings good news, too.

    Transfer on Friday/Saturday! Yipee! (Then we can freak out together.)
